
How Dropbox marketing shot to success

It is undoubtedly true that Dropbox can now boast of over 175 million subscribers and are among those who had made it big in our contemporary days. But so many people will argue the fact that when this group began, they were not known to the public and had to struggle for the space of a year or more to get acquainted with a marketing strategy to ignite their growth. Although Dropbox did not spend much on advertising but they came up with a growth strategy which was implemented and later got them enlisted among the most referral programs in the start-up world. For instance, one of the strategy or growth hack utilized by this group was to incentivize theirs users to refer others. This so called incentive was used to attract customers by giving them a free month of service.

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Dropbox Marketing Strategies that shot them to success

1. Simplified Homepage

With the interest of its users in mind, Dropbox makes their homepage friendly for all its users. A 2 minute explainer video was also placed to get the first time users familiarised with useful tools on Dropbox. What really captured the users were the Whiteboard Illustrations on the explainer video. The number of options on the signup page was also limited to capture users.

2. Sign Up Made Easy

Dropbox further enhances their chances by making their subscribers signup up process simplified. Users can sign up anywhere in the world and on any device. As soon as this is done a tutorial package is also made available to put the first timer through. This really paved way for them.

3. Introduced Referral Option

Statistics shows that this strategy shot Dropbox into success by 60%. What they did was to give out incentives for each person referred to own a Dropbox. For example 500mb was given to the referral and the person referred.

4. Social Media

Dropbox team came up with a fascinating means of promoting themselves on social media platforms, about 125mb increase was given to every individual that follow them on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and the likes.

5. Simplicity in Sharing

Yet another interesting thing about these guys is the simplicity in sharing files between the sender and the receiver. This makes them to gain more customers.

6. Dropbox Contest

This is also a great idea which was implemented to keep hold of its users and also to attract new subscribers. Different puzzles and scavenger hunt was launched on the platform. Those who complete it was given an increase of 176MB.

7. Supported by multiple platforms and devices

The benefits derived from the use of Dropbox, makes it indispensable to its users and was thereby made available on multiple devices. Users will definitely want to access their products from anywhere using any device. This therefore enhances their chances and an enormous increase in amount of users.

These marketing strategies had really shot Dropbox into success and they can now boast of over 200 million users with Dropbox installed on over 250 million devices.

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